Lemur Islands
Built on a total of 4 ponds are the seasonal island exhibitions of the Madagascar prosimian lemurs.
Two species of the Ruffed lemur are bred here: the Varecia variegata and the Varecia rubra. They are characterized by their loud screaming. Our group consists exclusively of males and serves as a genetic reserve (a group of potential bridegrooms) for other zoological gardens.
On the other islands, you can view Ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), Red-bellied lemurs (Eulemur rubriventer), Black lemurs (Eulemur macaco).
Lemurs living only on the island of Madagascar (and some adjacent islands, where they were introduced by man) form a very diverse group of primates (even today new species are being discovered). As a consequence of losing their natural environment, they belong to the list of endangered species; many are on the brink of extinction. Their environment is being destroyed by the burning of growth for the purpose of conversion into agricultural land, or possibly the exploitation of raw materials. The majority of lemur species thus survive only in national parks and reserves.