Exhibit integrating aquatic and terrestrial environments is so far the largest of its kind. Designed to illustrate the natural tropical systems of Papua-New Guinea, it presents local animal species at risk which include turtles, reptiles and fish. These groups had been under-represented in Ostrava, but are now more prominently featured for our visitors.
From the abundance of displayed species, it is worth mentioning the pig-nosed turtle - a creature resembling sea turtles, the Australian bonytongue - a large archaic predator fish, and the blue tree monitor - an arboreal animal with a lovely blue and black prehensile tail.
The fact that the building is completely free of any barriers, plus the way each exhibit is designed, allows everyone to view the wildlife indoors. This view is even obtained from ground-level, whether sitting in a wheelchair or pushchair. In fact, the Ostrava Zoo has made the commitment to continue making its grounds as accessible as possible for disabled people.
The following species can be found here:
Australian Bonytongue
Scleropages jardinii
Bird Wrasse
Gomphosus varius
Black Longspine Urchin
Diadema setosum
Blue-spotted Tree Monitor
Varanus macraeiendangered
Bluegirdled Angelfish
Pomacanthus navarchus
Boeseman's Rainbowfish
Melanotaenia boesemaniendangered
Bubble-tip Anemone
Entacmea quadricolor
Crocodile Monitor
Varanus salvadorii
Epaulette Shark
Hemiscyllium ocellatum
Fire Clownfish
Amphiprion melanopus
Green Tree Python
Morelia viridis
New Guinea Blue Tongue
Tiliqua gigas
Pearse´s Mudskipper
Periophthalamus novemradiatus
Pig-nosed Turtle
Carettochelys insculptaendangered
Red Rainbowfish
Glossolepis incisusendangered
Redclaw Crayfish
Cherax quadricarinatus
Sailfin Lizard
Hydrosaurus amboinensis
Sailfin Tang
Zebrasoma veliferum
Seven-spot (Spotted) Archerfish
Toxotes chatareus
Siebenrock’s Snake-necked Turtle
Chelodina rugosalower risk/near threatened
Silver Moony
Monodactylus argenteus
Spiny Chromis
Acanthochromis polyacanthus
Spotted Blue-eye
Pseudomugil gertrudae
Weber's Sailfin Lizard
Hydrosaurus weberivulnerable