Little Amazon
The Little Amazon House is closed due to reconstruction. Thank you for your understanding.
This 4,220l tank presents several members of the class of ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii). Of these, the False Neon Tetra (Paracheriodon simulans) – a tiny school fish from the Rio Negro and the Upper Orinoco Basins – has captured the hearts of many private keepers large and small. Some of the creatures dwelling in this exhibit are real gems of the animal kingdom – besides the tetra fish mentioned above, there is the platinum hatchetfish (Thoracocharax stellatus) or the apteronotid eel (Apteronotus albifrons).
It may be worth mentioning some highlights of this display:
The smallest animal house at Ostrava Zoo. While this is true for this exhibit, you may wonder that the floor area of less than 50 sqm presents a broad spectrum of animals – from spider to mammal, from frog to cartilaginous fish...!
The most endangered callitrichid monkey. The cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) on display is a critically endangered member of the family. It is also the zoo’s only species falling under the New World primates referred to as platyrrhine monkeys (Platyrrhini).
The most venomous animal at the zoo. This is what the golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis) can be called. This arrow frog is however not the only one by far – indeed, other local animals of such kind include the dyeing dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius), the fresh water ray (Potamotrygon motoro), the Brazilian white knee (Acanthoscurria geniculata) and the tarantula Megaphobema robustum. Fortunately, dart frogs in captivity lose their venomous capacity, which is due to the different diet.
We believe that everyone will find their favourite animal in this exhibit.
The house is open all year round.